Thursday, February 08, 2007

Remember this commercial

My Sr. Minister did a funeral and said "another one bites, and another one bites, and another one bites the dust" I laughed and reminded me of this

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Primal Rage

On Monday and Wednesday I run a basketball league and the worst thing to see is people loose their cool. Well yesterday is our 30+ league and these guys like to play but not too hard because they get hurt. Well yesterday my team was playing and we ended up going into triple overtime. What a fun game it was... well until

I lost it, probably nobody realized how much but I was mad enough to start destroying things. We all went up for a rebound and in the middle of it all was someone swinging and hit me right in the eye ball. I got the rebound but it hurt so bad I looking for someone or something to take my anger out on. I was alright after I started running around a little.

About 5 min pass and we go up again and I got poked in the same eye. That was when the train derailed. I kept most of it concealed but a killer instinct came out and I was ready to reign terror. Luckily in my life I have played sports where I know loosing your cool = your going to suck until you get it under control. Only by God's peace was I able to bottle and release what I was feeling. I was ready to be a war movie where one man comes in with a sword and no one is left behind. Most men cant do that and when you or I do it our character goes down the tubes.

Oh after I got poked in the eye I got smacked in the face by the ball the very next play :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Free entertainment

I have discovered this lost art of getting TV and movies for free.

First, apply at your local Library. You can get any TV series, any book on tape, any movie, and if you enjoy reading (which I don't) ANY BOOK YA WANT!

Second, Get a computer and go to any TV station website and watch them. They even have limited commercials. Tebo??? Why? You can just pause it on your computer and come back whenever you want.

This is great and all these people who spend their time and money every month and I get it for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!